Super Health Benefits of Pistachios
Islamabad: Who knew that simple dietary additions, such as adding pistachios, in Pakistan, can lead to multiple health benefits? With a low glycemic index, pistachios are naturally cholesterol-free and a source of protein, fibre and antioxidants. Whether sprinkled over homemade kheer or on your mother’s special halwa, pistachios are also a taste-elevator. One serving contains about 150 calories and several vitamins, including potassium, phosphorus, Vitamin B6, thiamine, copper and manganese and is also a whopping six grams of protein.
The fat content is 90% unsaturated fat. This one serving also gives you a good source of fibre, which helps your gut produce healthy bacteria. Pistas (Pistachios) are also high in beta-carotene and the compound oleanolic acid, both of which are potent anti-inflammatory compounds, and phytosterols, a type of anti-inflammatory plant hormone associated with improved immune function.