Prevent Dental Caries and Treatment, What are Dental Caries, How to Prevent Dental Caries and Treatment
London: Dental caries is a multifactorial disease that involves an interaction between teeth, saliva, and oral microbiota, as the individual’s own risk factors, and diet and oral hygiene, as the main external factors. The infection begins with the accumulation on the enamel surface of specific bacteria, which produce acidic by-products that demineralize and destroy the tooth. If the process is not stopped, the tooth can be totally destroyed.
Dental caries, which are also referred to as tooth decay or cavities, are one of the most common and widespread persistent diseases today and are also one of the most preventable. When you eat certain foods, the bacteria on your teeth break them down and produce acids that have the ability to seriously damage the hard tissues of your tooth. The result is the formation of dental caries.