
Best Pimple Removal Home Remedies

Best Pimple Removal Home Remedies



Pimples are one of the common skin problems these days and many youngsters are suffering from it. It occurs mostly in teenage and it is a skin problem, which occurs due to the bacterial infection of the sebaceous glands. That leads to inflammation of that particular area of the skin and generally that area swells and is filled with pus.


Pimples are caused due to many factors but one of the common factors is the excessive oil secretion from oil glands that blocks the pores of the skin and leads to pimple formation. Pimples mostly occur on the face, neck, and chin region. If we do not treat pimples properly, it might lead to acne, which might become a permanent skin problem.

Pimple Removal Home Remedies:

There are many dermatological creams and treatment methods for the removal of pimples but they also have several side effects. Therefore, the best treatments of the pimples are the natural home remedies that will not only remove a pimple but will also nourish your skin.

Given below are a few home remedies that will help you get rid of these ugly pimples.


Ice is the best remedy to get rid of the inflammation, swelling, and redness caused by the pimples. Wrap an ice cube in a cloth, apply over the affected area, and see the positive effects. Ice cleans the skin by removing oil and dirt and then tightens the skin and removes the pores.


Fresh lemon juice is a fast way of getting rid of a pimple because they dry a pimple and thus clears the skin due to its vitamin C properties. Lemon juice can be applied in several ways. Apply lemon juice with the help of a cotton swab before going to bed. You can also make a mask of lemon juice and cinnamon powder, apply on pimples overnight, and wash with slightly warm water but people with sensitive skin should avoid this remedy.


Steam is an excellent remedy for the removal of pimples. It opens your pores and clears the skin from bacteria, dirt, and oil that cause the pimples. All you have to do is fill a pot with hot water, allow the steam to contact your face and let it that way for a few minutes, and then wash your face with slightly warm water.


Garlic has many extraordinary properties that help us to treat a pimple quickly and heal the after-effects of pimples. Garlic is enriched with sulfur, antioxidant, antifungal, and many other beneficial agents that nourish our skin and remove pimples.

Cut a garlic clove and rub it on the area affected with pimples, do this process for a few minutes and then wash your face with slightly warm water. Repeat this process many times a day for fast and effective results.

These are the fastest and most reliable ways of removing pimples because they will cause no side effects like the chemical-based lotions and creams. So hope you have a pimple free glowing skin after using these homemade natural remedies.
